Finding Money in Dreams

May 14, 2013 3 Comments

A dreamer writes:
Hi, I had a dream and I was finding and picking coins in our town’s park in the evening. I was find and gathering 5 and 10 pesewas coins in a silver bowl, and I kept on finding more and more coins. As I got to middle right side of the park I had gathered a big jar half full of coins. I was getting more and 20 and 50 pesewas coins. It was getting dark. I was about to come home and go the next day to look for more coins when I woke up.
I am having some financial concerns at the moment, does this mean I will be coming in to some money soon?

Dreams of finding money are often about self worth and discovering valuable resources within yourself. The fact that you were finding money, kept finding more, the values were increasing, and you were going to go back the next day to get even more are very positive signs of your ever increasing sense of self worth! It is likely that you are discovering more and more about yourself and your life that is valuable and worthy.
Since you mentioned financial concerns in the literal sense, perhaps this dream is pointing out to you that while economics may be tough right now, you have a lot to offer, and a lot of valuable resources within yourself.  Is it possible that the dream is an omen of a financial windfall? Anything is possible, certainly – especially with dreams!  But rather than banking on that, I would recommend that you take action in your waking life to do your best to protect yourself financially.  This dream may be a reminder to help you to do that.  Since dreams are often symbolic, look at the money in the dream as representative of self worth, and the discovery of resources within yourself, and how you can use those to attract more of what you value into your life. That may mean actual money, but remember to also keep focus on what you find truly valuable beyond the material.

By Mimi Pettibone

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3 thoughts on “Finding Money in Dreams”

  1. Im 69rs. when I was small there use to be a ditch where I live, we use to play allot there now I dream of finding alot of coins there and besides that Im always dreaming of finding roll bills.

  2. hi i had a dream last night, a dream i often have is chasing someone and never catching them,,
    the dream i had last night was the opposite, i dreamt i and others were being chased, we ended up in the old abandoned house. and as everyone was keeping watch/looking for food/and just generally chatting ect, i searched the house and decided to look under the floor boards in the upstairs bedroom. as i did in one room i found some money, now it wasnt a lot prob a few thousand pounds like 2 or 3 thousand.

    my brother joined me and i told him what i had found and was going to share it with him, but i hid some of it so he thought i found just a few hundred.

    i then kept looking under the floor boards and found odd stuff like new toys ect. i then found two packs and i noted it to be drugs. i then put it back and panicked as i thought the money belonged to a drug dealer and it was not good to take, but i took the money anyway.

    as i continued to look around the house, i was going to go into the attic via a ladder and then a child around 4 years old popped his head over the gap in the attic and shouted to someone like his mum. i panicked again and we all decided to make a run for it and ran from the address, we also had dogs as well a large dog and a little one..

    dont remember anything else

    help please explain what the fudge this all means cheers.. many thanks

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