The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence

May 30, 2013 0 Comments

Did you know that the heart has an electromagnetic field that can be measured outside of the body?

The Institute of HeartMath is doing some amazing research, and now they have this beautiful video as well (below).  The video illustrates how the electromagnetic field of the heart operates not only within us (in communication with our brain) but how it also extends to our connections and relationships with other people.  When we say we can feel someone’s energy (whether positive or negative), this is no longer a woo-woo-way-out concept.  It is now scientifically documented that the heart generates the largest electromagnetic field in the body, and that it extends beyond the physical body. If we can feel the electric shock of a little spark of static electricity, of course we can also feel the electrical field of another human being.  Some of us are more sensitive to this subtle field, empathic people are especially tuned in to it.  It can be a gift in understanding fellow human beings, and it is also important for empaths and highly sensitive people to learn how to not get overwhelmed by the fields of others.  One way of doing this is learning how to turn up your OWN electromagnetic field, and increase your own heart coherence. When we do this, we are less affected by the energy of others, while still holding the ability (even more so) to tune in and connect with them.

The Institute of HeartMath emphasizes the importance of heart-brain communication and coherence.  When our head and our heart are operating in synch, our electromagnetic field is more coherent, and our heart beat is actually more rhythmically consistent.  This contributes to increased health, and if you are into the Law of Attraction, this is how you influence and interact with the Quantum Field to manifest your desires and create positive relationships.

From the paper ‘The Energetic Heart’ ( “…a subtle yet influential energetic system operates just below our conscious level of awareness….this energetic system contributes to the ‘magnetic’ attractions or repulsions that occur between individuals.”  Yes, apparently attraction really is magnetic!  If someone has what we call a ‘magnetic’ personality, it seems that from this scientific perspective they might likely have a very strong electromagnetic field.

It used to be believed that emotions originated in the brain.  Now it is recognized that emotions are a result of  brain-body communication. So how do you get the head and the heart to work together?  One of my specialties in working with private clients is something known as parts therapy. If you’ve ever said ‘part of me wants to buy that car, but part of me wants to save the money’, or ‘part of me wants to loose weight, but part of me wants to eat that cake!’, you are aware (consciously or unconsciously) that we all have ‘parts’ within us.  When these parts are not in agreement we experience the feeling of inner conflict, which  translates energetically and electromagnetically to the heart-brain communication system operating at less than optimal coherence (coherence is the goal).  One of my favorite ways to facilitate a client session is to do parts therapy with the head and the heart. I also add the gut into the equation. That will be another article, as science is now also finding that the gut has it’s own nervous system and intelligence, and is the only organ in the body that can operate independently of the brain. Intuitively we’ve always known this, again I defer to linguistics (one of my other favorite topics!), as how many times do we use expressions like “I had a gut feeling” or “he felt sick to his stomach about it” or  “she had butterflies in her stomach”.   If you would like to book a head-heart-gut session to increase internal coherence, resolve inner conflict, and/or help in decision making, please contact me.

In the mean time I hope you enjoy this video. It shows a visual representation of how I have seen and felt the world since I was a small child. Finally it’s ok to talk about this stuff!



The Institute of HeartMath offers many interesting books and papers on their research. For more information visit:

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