Dream: Knife Games

November 19, 2013 0 Comments

A dreamer writes:

I had a dream where I was with a bunch of guys and we would stab each other just like we were playing tag, and throw knives at each other. We were all having fun. It was just like a game, but I didn’t feel any pain when getting hit by the knives. I eventually stopped the knife game because even if I didn’t feel the pain we were all injured quite badly. I told them we should probably go to the hospital now. All the guys left. I asked my friend Tyler to take me to the hospital. We went into his car and that’s when I woke up. What do you think this means?  -Megan    PS – I had an argument with my mother the night before and she said something to me that hurt.

Hi Megan,
Physical wounds in dreams often represent emotional wounds. It could have to do w/your mother and the argument before the dream, but it seems more likely that it may have to do w/your relationship with men in your life since they were men in the dream. What it makes me picture is a pattern of bantering that seems like a ‘game’ but is really hurtful to others and yourself. Perhaps this was something learned by your relationship w/your mother, since she said something to hurt you shortly before the dream. This dream is outlining the pattern for you, and showing you how you are wounded in the process. The message is that next time you catch yourself in what seems like a ‘game’ of verbal banter, take a step back and ask yourself if the situation is potentially more hurtful to yourself an others than it appears on the surface.
I hope this helps,

By Mimi Pettibone

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