In the Greek origin of the word, ‘meta’ means beyond, and ‘physics’ pertains to the physical world. So metaphysics is the study of that which is beyond the physical world. This would include our thoughts and beliefs, our perspective of reality, and the way in which we understand the world and our existence. It also pertains to the relationship between mind and matter. While metaphysics has long been opposed by Newtonian science, which measures and studies only the physical and tangible world, Newtonians beliefs are becoming quickly outdated as we discover the inseperable effect that an observer has upon matter. If an observer’s beliefs affect physical reality, there is more operating in effect here than just the physical laws, and we leap into the realm of the metaphysical. Thus, a person with a flawed belief system, or self-sabotaging perspective of reality, creates a flawed or self-sabotaging life. In order to improve our life we need to shift our belief system, and improve our personal metaphysics.