Lucid Dreaming Insights

June 20, 2016 0 Comments


Lucid dreaming is the ability to be consciously aware of the fact that we are dreaming, as it is happening, and often involves choosing to change the actions, characters, or outcomes of our dreams. When we are asleep, the conscious part of the mind that involves rational thinking goes off line. That’s why dreams seem so bizarre once we are awake, because they are from the non-linear, subconscious, creative and intuitive part of the mind that thinks in pictures, symbols and metaphors. Becoming lucid in the dream state involves bringing some of the conscious part of the mind back online. That’s why it’s also very easy to wake up  – and difficult to stay in the dream – when we become lucid.

There are conflicting opinions about lucid dreaming. One is that if you can control the outcome of your dreams, you can control the outcome of your life, which can be a great way to take charge of our own destiny. A second theory is that the unconscious mind needs to work things out as we sleep, and this process should not be interfered with. To me each side has value and could apply in different context. For example, if a child is having nightmares, it is very helpful to teach them lucid skills to slay the monster that is causing them fear in the night.

Can I learn how to have lucid dreams?

It can take some practice, but it is definitely possible. Some stumble into the ability, but for most it can take some effort and practice just like learning any new skill. Following are some steps that can help if you would like to learn how to become lucid in your dreams.

Set the intention that you a going to have lucid dreams tonight and that you will remember your dreams when you wake up. Repeat this over and over to yourself as you are falling asleep. You can also decide ahead of time what you would like dream about while you are lucid. For example: “Tonight I am going to have lucid dreams that I am flying through the sky with my true love, and I will remember everything when I wake up!”

Perform ‘reality checks’ throughout the day: take note of your surroundings to see if there is anything unusual such as strange landscapes, words floating off the pages of a book, or the fact that you can walk on water. By making reality checks a habit when you are awake, you will start to do them in your dreams. Then when you realize that you are dreaming, you will know you are lucid and can experiment with changing the dreamscape, characters, or story line.

Create an association that you can use to trigger your awareness during dreaming, such as looking at your hands – a common technique – or make up your own association, one that works for you. Practice this through out the day, similar to reality checks. By making awareness-association a habit you will start to do it in your dreams. When you do it, awake or asleep, check in with yourself to see weather or not you are dreaming. If you look at your hands and gain the awareness that you are dreaming, you are lucid.

Some suggest setting the alarm clock early because if you wake up in the middle of a dream, you are more likely to remember it. Personally I don’t like being woken up early, or by intrusive alarm clock. But it is an option if you are having trouble recalling your dreams. Just be sure to write your dream down or record it when you do wake up, or it will likely be lost in the first 10 minutes.

One study found that by being woken up an hour early and staying up for 30-60 minutes, then going back to sleep, people were 15-20 times more likely to have lucid dreams.

Once you become lucid, realizing that you are dreaming while in the dreaming state, you will be able to take control of the characters, scenery, plots, and actions in your dream. Even if you can’t control the entire dream, you can usually change and direct key parts of it. If you are being chased by a monster, you can confront him and turn him into a spec of dust, a feather, an angel, or you can even have a conversation with him. Choose whatever you want, anything you can think of, that makes a better outcome for you in the dream story. You can do fun things such as get romantic with your favorite celebrity or ‘dream partner’, or travel the world, but you can also seek deeper insights such as answers for how to heal physical, emotional or spiritual wounds of yourself, others or the world.

By Mimi Pettibone

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