Entrainment of Free-Running Circadian Rhythms by Melatonin in Blind People

The following article talks about how blind people have a free running circadian rhythm; in other words their wake/sleep cycle is not affected by light as with people who can see. Below is the title and link to the article: Entrainment of Free-Running Circadian Rhythms by Melatonin in Blind People Robert L. Sack, M.D., Richard W. Brandes, B.S., [...]

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The Stages of Sleep

For a really great interactive online chart exploring the different stages of sleep, visit: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/body/sleep-memory.html  and click on "LAUNCH INTERACTIVE". What happens in your brain as you cycle through the various stages of sleep, and how does this activity affect learning and memory? See what scientists are learning about REM (rapid-eye movement) sleep and other phases, and explore [...]

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