Psychic Science

May 26, 2009 2 Comments

In Dean Radin’s book “Entangled Minds” he writes about many different scientific experiments that confirm the existence of psychic phenomena, also known as ESP or ‘psi’. It seems that people who are very closely bonded together experience more psychic connections with each other than those who are not close or emotionally invested in one another.
Dean cites an experiment involving a functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) scanner.  They found a couple who did well in other psi tests where they were able to send and/or receive information to/from each other with successful results much better than random chance.  One person was put in the fMRI scanner to act as the ‘receiver’ while the other person (the ‘sender’) was exposed to a flickering light. The purpose of the light was to stimulate the brain activity of the ‘sender’, and to see if anything would happen at the same time to the brain of the ‘receiver’.  The receiver’s brain showed a significant increase in activity, with odds against chance of 14,000 to 1!  Not only were they able to show an increase in brain activity at the exact same time, but the fMRI machine was able to show the specific location in the brain where the connection was found. WOW!
Why is this information such a well kept secret? Part of Dean’s plight is about how difficult it is for the existence of psi to be taken seriously, regardless of the scientific evidence confirming it.  I agree, and appreciate Dean’s humor as he comments on the nature of this:
“This discovery is so shocking that it virtually guaranteed no one would hear about it, despite it being published in a medical journal. This is worse than missing a story about aliens landing on the White House lawn. It’s more like spotting an alien shopping in the frozen food section of the local grocery store and no one caring.”
(For all his scientific expertise, the man has a sense of humor, too! Most of his writing is not pondering aliens, I just thought this excerpt was too funny to leave out!)
His other book “The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena” will be released in June, I can’t wait!

By Mimi Pettibone

2 thoughts on “Psychic Science”

  1. Nice article, Mimi. The quote is funny and makes a good point about expectations limiting how much we can accept.

    I write fiction, so things like this are fun to think about.


  2. Thank you, H.E.Roulo!
    I find that writers are especially intrigued by – and gain exceptional insights from – dream work. I think it’s because
    both writing and dream work involve delving into the psyche and human nature.

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