Date: Wednessday, Oct. 15th
Time: 7-8:30pm Cost: $12
Location: East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115
Register Here: http://www.eastwestbookshop.com/events/6986
Many extraordinary and paranormal phenomena take place during the sleep and dream states. Night time and the twilight state are also especially conducive to these experiences. While some dreams may be more about psychological processing, others undoubtedly include experiences beyond this, into the realm of the spiritual and metaphysical.
This workshop will explore some of these phenomena, including: visitations from departed loved ones, telepathic, precognitive, clairvoyant and shared dreams, sleep paralysis, and empathic telepathy dreams. This talk will be presented by Seattle dream expert Mimi Pettibone. She offers workshops, groups and private consultations related to dreams, intuition, and conscious and subconscious communication.
Register Here: http://www.eastwestbookshop.com/events/6986