I am fascinated by everything from the practical application of using dreams to problem solve, to the mystical realm of spiritual and psychic phenomena. The insights from our dreams can help us connect with our talents and life purpose, guide us on the path to physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, and show us how to find, create, and keep good relationships. They can also provide warnings, and point out things like toxic or potentially dangerous situations and people to help protect us from them. Many people have experienced healing and spiritual phenomena in the dream state as well.
For dream interpretation it is helpful to send your dream via email in advance. To schedule, please email me to let me know what time zone you are in, what days and times you are generally available, and we will coordinate a time.
Our dreams can offer us new perspectives on life, and they always have our best interest at heart. The information we gather by working with them can help us make positive changes and create a purpose-filled, meaningful life.
Many people turn to dream dictionaries in attempt to decipher their dreams, but their meanings are so much more individual than that. What really matters are your personal associations to any given symbol; not what someone else says they mean. In a dream session we will explore the metaphors, the story of the dream, and your unique associations with the elements and characters of the dream, to help you understand what your soul and psyche are trying to communicate with you.
I use my background in the social psychology of Transactional Analysis, hypnotherapy, NLP, parts work like IFS (Internal Family Systems), Voice Dialogue, and Gestalt, and other modalities to provide a cutting edge dream work experience, taking the dreamer to new levels of awareness within themselves. I also use my intuition coupled with my vast background in dream work and the study of dreams to navigate each consultation. The tools for working with dreams are as many and varied as are dreamers. I do my best to sense into what will most resonate with an individual dreamer, and what will best fit their dream as well.
Once you have received the message from your dream, together we come up with unique ways to transform the symbolism into meaningful applications for your life. Then you can make any desired changes based on the dream’s message, as they are always propelling us forward on our soul’s path.
I also enjoy helping people gain understanding of the spiritual, mystical, paranormal, and psychic experiences that can occur in the sleep and dream state. This includes past life dreams, shared dreams, lucid dreams, sleep paralysis, after death communications, psychic, telepathic, and empathic dreams. For example, some people have visitation dreams from departed loved ones, or a shared dreams with someone they are close to. I can help you to identify these and teach you how to cultivate such experiences, or just better understand what is happening when they do occur.
Working with dreams is a mysterious and fascinating way to get in touch with your higher self and deeper sense of knowing. Their applications range from the practical to the mystical. On the practical side, you can use the information they hold to:
~ Get in touch with your true calling in life.
~ Receive guidance towards finding a romantic partner.
~ Come up with new ideas for creative projects or business.
~ Improve existing business and personal relationships.
~ Connect with something greater than ourselves.
You can even learn to ask a question when you go to sleep, and wake up with the answer.
Dreams can also take us into the realm of the mysterious and unknown. Many people have experienced psychic dreams, astral travel, lucid dreaming, shared dreams, and encounters with departed loved ones.
Dreams are multi-dimensional and fascinating, and I believe any given dream can contain many levels and layers. For example, a dream may hold very relevant symbolic content, and yet later reveal itself to have also contained a precognitive element. It is my passion to help people explore the depths of the dream world in all it’s forms.
Email me to set up a consultation to explore your dream: