As a transpersonal coach, hypnotherapist, and survivor of narcissistic abuse, I am passionate about helping people listen to their inner voice and connect with their authentic self. Whether you’d like to understand a dream or nightmare, find your purpose, fulfill your potential, work on a specific habit, belief, or area of life, or if you’d like some help recovering from an antagonistic relationship, I am here to help. The type of work I do can help you:

Understand the Messages of Your Dreams & Nightmares

Recover Your True Self after Narcissistic Abuse

Increase Self-Trust & Belief in Self

Dialogue with Symptoms & Communicate with Your Body

Resolve Inner Conflict

Improve Communication Skills with Yourself and Others

Experience Clarity Regarding Decisions & Life Transitions

Break Through Limiting Beliefs

Connect with your Higher Self

Listen to Your Intuition & Inner Guidance

Explore Shadow Work, Inner Child Work, & Your Subconscious Mind

Understand Spiritual Experiences


Much of my work falls under the umbrella of Transpersonal Psychology, with the belief that we each have a unique purpose in life. The work involves exploring our creative and human potential, emotional healing, and spiritual development. I love using modalities such as guided imagery, meditation, dream work, and art therapy. I am passionate about parts work, and have studied many forms including hypnotherapy,  Voice Dialogue, Internal Family Systems (IFS), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Gestalt, and Focusing.

My background also includes extensive training in a form social psychology known as Transactional Analysis (T.A.), which explores relationships, communication, and behavior. The parts work model of Parent/Adult/Child, and the Drama Triangle created by Stephen Karpman, both come from T.A. It provides a framework to observe what goes on between people as we interact with each other, as well as what happens within ourselves (i.e. how the Parent, Adult, and Child within each of us interact with each other, and the roles they play in our lives and our interactions with other people). TA concepts are often shared with clients, facilitating an equal partnership in the work. The client is in a proactive and powerful role of deciding how they want to feel, think, act and believe. To learn more about T.A., visit my Transactional Analysis page.

And of course, it all started for me with dream work. Dreams are the doorway to parts of ourselves that we may have locked away, for example if it wasn’t safe to express your authentic self growing up or in a given relationship. Most of us have had to put aside parts of ourselves, but it is especially true for survivors of narcissistic and antagonistic relationships. In recovery, it can be difficult to access these parts because it became a survival mechanism to hide them away. But our dreams provide a direct connection to these parts, as well as to our higher self, our soul, and our deepest truths. They can help us access the essence of our true self much quicker than the conscious mind can. That said, you don’t need to recall a dream at all to work with me.