Dreams of Sex with Someone You’re Not Attracted to

Above is an episode of The Dream Detective podcast that will answer a lot of your questions about love, sex, and relationship dreams. Below is a quick FAQ about romantic dreams of someone you're not attracted to. You can subscribe to The Dream Detective podcast in your favorite podcast platform. A listener asks: "I dreamed I had [...]

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Dreams of Your Partner Cheating

"What does it mean if I dreamed my partner cheated on me?" The first reaction is usually to be mad or suspicious of your partner. But hold on! While again anything is possible - do your fact checking if you think they are literally having an affair - HOWEVER...This dream usually indicates that you are feeling [...]

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What does it mean when you dream of your Ex?

One of the most common questions I hear goes something like this:  "I dreamed of my ex, does it mean I should get back together with them?"  Or, "Does it mean that they are thinking of me too?" While I never rule out the mysterious and mystical ways of the dream world, and I do believe [...]

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Sounds incorporated into dreams

This morning I was dreaming of gusting winds and pelting rain. I woke up and actually heard those sounds outside my window  - it turns out there was a pretty bad storm going on out there. My dreaming mind heard those sounds, and incorporated them into my dream, which is a very common phemomenon. Have you ever woken [...]

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Sleep Paralysis

During REM sleep, an interesting thing happens to our body: we become physically paralyzed. Most of the time we are unaware of it, because we are asleep and in the dream state. But occasionally a person will wake up and become consciously aware of the fact that they cannot move their body, and a state [...]

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