"You are unique, just like everyone else!" -(bumper sticker, source unknown)
Read More"If who we are is a gift from God, who we become is our gift to God." -Deepak Chopra
Read More"Every human being has the freedom to change at any instant." - Viktor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning
Read MoreOne of the hardest things about forgiving another is the feeling that doing so will make their actions 'ok'. Marianne Williamson addresses this so eloquently: “The Universe will deal with that person’s Karma. You don’t have to worry that if you ‘forgive them’ that they are going to somehow live an undeserved wonderful life.”
Read MoreI often get dream submissions from teens regarding their sexuality and their religion or relationship with God, and the moral dilemmas faced when the two meet. Though these concerns may persist throughout a lifetime, they seems especially potent for teens, when these experiences and choices are first being made. These quandries are then reflected in the content of their dreams. With that [...]
Read More"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. " -Jimi Hendrix
Read More"Knowing something is easy. Saying it out loud is the hard part." -Robert Redford's character in the movie 'The Horse Whisperer'
Read MoreWhen I met you in the restaurant You could tell I was no debutante You asked me what's my pleasure A movie or a measure? I'll have a cup of tea and tell you of my dreaming Dreaming is free I don't want to live on charity Pleasure's real or is it fantasy? Reel to reel is living rarity People stop and stare at [...]
Read More“The most basic human instinct is not toward survival, but toward the familiar” -Virginia Satir
Read MoreIn the Greek origin of the word, 'meta' means beyond, and 'physics' pertains to the physical world. So metaphysics is the study of that which is beyond the physical world. This would include our thoughts and beliefs, our perspective of reality, and the way in which we understand the world and our existence. It also [...]
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